Hello? Anyone out there? I am hanging my head in shame, embarrassed that I have neglected my blog so badly. I've kind of lost my motivation to write here. Plus I've been feeling well lately and thus keeping busy. This is what I've been doing...
1) Life is busy, y'all! I've got this going on and that. A lot of this...
(We're not sure what's going on with the youngest son's hair. Hmm, he got it cut really short, and now it's growing back STRAIGHT up. Like, not laying down, no matter how long it is growing. Any tips?)
And some of that...
2) I've been helping a good friend with a big project. That's all I can really say right now, but I will be more than excited to share it with you at a later time. :-)
3) I've been hanging out with some really cool Jr. MYF'ers from our church. Have you ever googled "MYF"? In my world, it has always meant "Mennonite Youth Fellowship," but apparently the urban definition is "miss your face." HA! That's funny, can't wait to tell the Jr. MYF'ers (who probably already know). Woot woot! That's for you, guys!
But seriously, I am a sponsor for the middle schoolers at our church, and they are great kids (all 4 of them)! We talked about blogs at bible study last night. Good stuff.
4) It just seems strange all of a sudden that I put my life out on the world wide web (Remember when we used to call it that?). In all honesty, I never would have started a blog if I didn't have an
online business. But since I do, I feel like it's necessary for me to have some way of connecting with my customers, whom I appreciate very much. :-)
Well, it's late. Although not if you live on the west coast...by the way, I can't believe I haven't blogged about our trip out there this summer. But well, you know, I've been busy with this and that...
One more thing...happy birthday today to my amazing and dear niece Liz! You are beautiful in so many ways, both inside and out. I love you more than you know!
In honor of Liz's birthday, take 20% off all items in my
Etsy shop by using this code when you check out: LIZ20. Yep, she's 20!