Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear World...

...Please leave me alone!

With all due respect, I'm really tired of responsibilities, expectations, emails, calendars, etc.

I just want to get some beading and creating accomplished!  It is my work, ya know?  Look at what came in the mail today...

Just look at it, would ya?  How can I ignore all of that?

Last week, I realized that my work area badly needs some reorganizing.  This week, I've been reorganizing my work area which has included sorting, purging, and destashing.  Do you know that word...destash?  I did a google search on it, and realized that I've picked it up from other Etsy artisans because it's not a real word, per se.  In fact, spell check is not happy with me for using that word.

I found a great definition of the word, as explained by "daxdestash" at Etsy.com.  She says in a forum, "it's a word that I like as to me it means giving those unwanted or unused items in your stash of lovely crafty things a new possibility of life in a design by putting them back into circulation for others to use."  That sounds so much better than "getting rid of my junk!"  Some people even open up a whole new Etsy shop to sell their destash beads.... I'm just sayin'.

So if you call me, email me, or message me and don't get a response right away...just know that I am busy beading and creating.  Trust me, you'll want to stick around to see what happens when the world leaves me alone!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School and Back to Beading

This was a big week around here.  The boys went off to school, Doug's new job kicked into full gear, Goldie lost her playmates during the day, and I....well, I got my quiet house back.  Ahhhh....

Every morning this week, I started off with the intention of finally getting to make some new designs for fall. 

But there are so many distractions.....  Just had to make a special meal to celebrate everyone's first day of school.  And I wanted to be sure and make some really yummy bread  to go with that meal.  The house could use a little straightening up.  I should go into town and run some errands too.

Okay, back to business.....So I keep trying to stay focused and get back to the task at hand....making new designs.  But first I should really list the designs already made on my Etsy shop.  Well, then I need to photograph them.  Or maybe I've already photographed them...hmmm, let me check.  Oh my word, my picture folders are SO unorganized.  Well, I'm just going to have to organize them before I can do anything else. 

Oh golly....it's day 4 of back to school week and I've made NOTHING yet.  No new fall designs.  I haven't listed a single new thing on Etsy.  But my photo folders are much more organized.  And the boys loved their special meal.  The house is straightened up.  Maybe today is the day.  I think I'll try to list these...

Coral Likes Company
Carnelian Elegance

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Now at Zola's

For those of you who live locally, listen up!

Sorry to those of you who don't, you're really missing out... on so many levels!  You can just keep reading and pretend to be interested, but here's one great reason to live in the Shenandoah Valley...

Anyway, IF you are local, then you know about the Dayton Farmer's Market.  There's a lovely shop there called Zola's which sells all kinds of extraordinary floral designs and custom home accents.  And now Zola has added Artful Accents jewelry to her inventory!  You can find her website here.  In an upcoming post, I will take you to her shop and introduce you to the talented shop owner Zola herself!

You can find this necklace at Zola's...
Live a Little
featuring black water jasper and sterling silver
Look for this one too...
Caribbean Cuprite
cuprite stones, soo chow dyed blue stones, sterling silver accents

And if you need a pair of basic black earrings, you know the place...
black network stone, Swarovski crystals, sterling silver

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Menno Jeweler

I'm a Mennonite. 

And I'm a jeweler. 

Most Mennonites aren't jewelers. 

In fact, conservative Mennonites don't even wear jewelry, let alone make it.  I didn't grow up conservatively, but still I didn't wear much jewelry in my youth.

Soon after I had started making jewelry, my mom once referred to me as the Mennonite Jeweler.  Maybe she actually said Menno Jeweler, I don't remember.  Anyway, it struck me that it is a bit odd that I make jewelry.  Being a Mennonite and all. 

Sometimes I wonder if I should be doing what I was "trained" to do, that is, to be a counselor.  Maybe someday I'll feel that call again, although I doubt it.  My call right now is to be a stay at home mom for my sons.  And so for right now, I am also a jeweler, a Menno Jeweler who stays at home with my sons.  And it makes me happy, oh so very happy.  I am blessed!

Are you doing what makes you happy?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's in the Forecast?

Around here, it's been HOT all summer.  Really hot.  I love summer, but this summer has tested how far my love reaches for the heat and the sun.  But after the long, cold, snowy winter we had (I hate winter), I've decided that this heat is excused.  And I will miss it when it's long gone. 

Fall is okay, it's better than winter in my book, but it's not as good as summer.  I decided today that I should really start thinking about making some new pieces of jewelry for fall, now that it's quickly approaching. 

So, I consulted the Pantone color "forecast" for fall....and these are the lovely colors in store for us!

Aren't they lovely and vibrant?
Pantone (the official authority on color) reports that purples and greens will be everywhere.  Sure enough, I consulted some websites like Banana Republic and Eddie Bauer, and these colors are indeed everywhere. 

Fire Mountain Gems (a huge jewelry supplier) always publishes a chart of the color forecast for jewelers to keep in mind as we plan our new collections.  Here is what they are forecasting for fall 2010/winter 2011...

Definitely some gorgeous colors, huh?

These beads will hopefully be coming together in some new designs for fall.  Did I mention before how much I love beads?  Coming soon...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And The Winner Is...

So, I know that some of you professional bloggers use the "Random Generator" method of choosing a winner.  That's pretty cool, but I already have a random generator in my house...my oldest son!  He was bored today, so I assigned him the task of writing down the numbers 1-21 on 21 pieces of paper (there were 21 comments).  Then of course, he got to draw out the winning number!

Here he is choosing (randomly) the winning number from the pot of 21 papers.

And here is the winning number he drew...

And #17 is.....

RosyRose!  Congratulations to Rose who won the Atlantic Aqua earrings!  This dear woman is a friend whom I know only from blogland and through a mutual acquaintance.  Go take a look at her blog,  Lucky to be me, and you will quickly find out what a special person she is!  Be sure that you have your volume turned on when you visit her, because she always has the best playlist.  She will inspire you with her insight and wisdom, I promise you!  Rose, I will contact you about your mailing address so that you can receive a special package in the mail very soon!

Well, that's it folks...thanks so much to all 21 of you who entered this first giveaway.  This was fun, and I'll do it again!  And thank you for your advice on washers, must decide soon...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summertime Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed for entries....congratulations to RosyRose for winning the Atlantic Aqua earrings!

Currently I'm trying to decide what kind of washer to purchase to replace my old Whirlpool that requires a 20 pound weight on top to keep it going through the whole wash cycle.  I can't even lift 20 pounds, so you see at least part of the problem here! 

Umm, what does that have to do with my jewelry blog?  Well, it's all about choices!  We tell our children to make "good choices", as we try to make good choices while we parent our children.  When choosing a new washer, there are lots of choices, which is mainly why I have not yet chosen one.  I'm overwhelmed by all the choices.  But I like having choices. 

My husband thinks I entertain too many choices when making decisions.  He commented the other day that he's surprised I was able to settle on my ultimate choice of a husband when it came to him!  This is a picture of us in one of those silly photo booths at Kings Dominion when we first stated dating....no choices necessary, I already had made my decision about him! 

This was taken 16 years ago.  Could we look any younger?
Back to choices...today I'd like to give YOU some choices!  Take a look at the pictures below.  There are 2 different sets of earrings. 
Atlantic Aqua

Sterling silver earwires and findings
Aqua faceted round glass beads
Aqua/green pressed glass rondelles

Everything's Just Peachy

Vintaj Natural Brass earwires and etched chain
Peachy-pink faceted glass beads
Today you get to choose which pair of earrings you would like to have a chance at winning!  Simple leave me a comment indicating which pair of earrings you like best.  And I'll randomly choose the winner.  All entries must be in by Thursday at noon.  Thanks for entering, and good luck!